Monday, August 8, 2011

I can See How This Will Quickly Become an Obsession

Has anyone tried Pintrest? It's like Google Images, but filtered so it's only good stuff and I can save whatever I like. I've been on there almost non-stop for a couple of days now. I've got a board for my dream house, and one for book arts ideas.

Speaking of dream houses, and to explain why I haven't posted much recently, I bought a little condo! I'm in the middle of packing everything up and having a massive anti-hoarding session because it's much smaller than my house. I take possession at the end of the week, and am looking forward to setting up some kind of studio (or at least a work station) in my new place. It's very cozy (read: tiny) so we'll see what I can come up with.

 I've been thinking that to celebrate, and because I'll soon be on my 200th post (even at this slow rate), that I should do another giveaway. I have no idea what yet, but if anyone has a feasible idea? I was thinking a print or something.


  1. Oooooooh yesss... I have "tried Pinterest"! I even have some of your work on my "Etsy Inspiration" board!!

    As for your new home, you can always sleep under the desk!! Happy house-moving!

  2. good for you! and yes pinterest is fun !!!
